Thursday 28 July 2011

Castle and photography!

Today we spent the day at a reasonably local castle.  The girls loved it and went armed with their new cameras.  One of them took 46 photos, the other took 72!!
We went with my parents and had such fun!!

Monday 25 July 2011

Teachers leaving presents

We could not think of anything original to buy for the girls' teachers, so decided that we should make something.  The girls were both excited at this prospect and drew pictures for me to embroider (I also embroidered a heart and "thank you" on the other side of the bag, as they love their teachers!!).  I then pinned the bag, including the lining in the first instance and the girls machined them, gleefully taking out the pins as they went along.  As they are only 6, they sat on my knee and did the sewing, but my foot controlled the speed!!

They then machined around the top including the handles.  They are very proud of their gifts!!

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Just sitting - and block 4

Spent the last few days just sitting with my 2 daughters with tonsilitis!  I hate it when they feel so ill, so I have not got any crafting done at all - even when they are asleep at night!!
I still have some squares to show though, so here is square 4 - this one is also designed by Molly Mine.
I'm not so pleased with this one, I wish I'd picked a paler blue!  Lovely pattern though, as always!

Sunday 10 July 2011

Tonsillitis, carers and block 3!

Please excuse any spelling mistakes! Due to one daughter with tonsillitis and my Mother-in-law's carers waking us up in the middle of the night and early in the morning, I am suffereing from a severe lack of sleep!!  Tonsillitis is now on it's way out though, so things are looking up!
Here is block 3 of our wall hanging.  I have done quite a few, so might not use them all in the final piece!

Thursday 7 July 2011

Puppets finished

I finally finished the puppets today and feel very relaxed this evening!!
I did 96 altogether using 6 of my designs - here is one set!

They are pictured on our front bench which the girls and I painted last month - another story in itself!!

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Beautiful act!

Last night a very much loved line drawing picture of my Grandpa fell off the hall wall and cracked.
This morning, when I came out of the kitchen, this was in it's place on the wall.
Sorry about the quality of the picture, it is in a very dark part of the hall!!

Monday 4 July 2011

Square number 2!

I love the ladybirds on this one - and the green material too.  I have done all the squares using greens and purples with the occassional splash of blue, pink and yellow.
On the puppet front, I am well on my way, having completed 73 of the 96 I have to do (apart from finishing them off at the base)